I have a group of people searching for a place to host their list. It
is a list called DBAction, (short for Deaf-Blind Citizens for Political

This list is for adults who are deafblind or those whose combined
hearing and vision losses ("DB") are severe enough to require more
comprehensive deafblind services than are being offered that meet their
individual needs and enables them to continue living independently. We
are a grassroots group whose goal is to learn how to advocate for our
needs, how to use the legislative process, how to seek funding sources,
and how to find political solutions that will help make life better for
all DB Americans. Non-DB people and professionals are also welcome.

I you or anyone you know is in a position to provide free hosting for
this group, please contact me. Yahoo Groups is not a viable option for
these subscribers, the graphics and advertisements create havoc for
some of the alternative browsers some members require. Listserv has
been 100% disability friendly.

I would anticipate never more than 150 subscribers.

Randy Klumph
[log in to unmask]

Western Oregon University
Teaching Research Institute
345 N Monmouth Ave
Monmouth, OR 97361
