On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 12:31:31 -0500, Ian Fairclough
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Can I do this using Microsoft Outlook?

No.  Outlook does not support Resent-* headers. (very few mail clients do)

Change the List Header from

Send= Editor  (or Send= Editor,Confirm)


Send= Editor,Hold (or Send= Editor,Hold,Confirm)

Then LISTSERV will simply send you a "Request for Approval" message (along
with the message to be approved of course) and you simply issue an OK reply
(if your LISTSERV site uses the WWW interface there may also be a clickable
link for the OK approval).

This method does not permit any editing of or alteration to the original
message but is the fastest way to implement an announcement list such as you