Seeking last minute advice before blindfolding myself and stepping off the edge...

Current server:  Listserv 1.8d / LSMTP 1.1b / Windows NT4

    New server:  Listserv 14.4 / LSMTP 1.1b / Win2K3 Server

(A) Can this be done with some careful file migration, then just crank it back up?  Or does there need to be a step-wise update (can you go straight 1.8d -> 14.4, or should there be an intermediate stop?).

(B) One stumbling block is existing lists are setup with Notebooks on D:\PUBLIC\listname, and the new server will have them on F:\PUBLIC\listname (it has a DVDROM in as D:).

Any suggestions or war stories would be greatly appreciated.  We've been thinking about doing this for ages, but it is really (really) going to happen now...
