We have a bunch of newsletters sent out once every day
or week in various formats and each of these have a
sizeable number of unique users (millions). 

From the various listserv docs that I have read,
one-way announce only lists seem to capable of doing
this ??

I was suggested to use the listserv DISTRIBUTE job
with either a DBMS backed or "traditional list"
subscriber base. Assuming, Iam using a "traditional
list" to get the recipient list using the
DBMS=LIST(XYZ) option of the DIST command, 

Do I need to create a separate list for each
newsletter ?

The recipient list changes every day and management of
this subscription base is done outside of listserv. Is
a bulk ADD and bulk DELETE the best option to update
the recepient list and keep it current?

How do I control where the bounces of each newsletter
go ? Is this something that I can do at each list
level or at the job level ?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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