(To catch up, Tim and I have been exchanging some emails.  His date
field will read something like "Mon, 1 Aug 2005 14:34:35 -0000 GMT" 
When he sends to a Listserv list from the blackberry, the date fields
get mangled, and come out as 00:00:00.  We've got a bunch of folks on
blackberrys at my job, and I told Tim I'd get one of them to
experiment with me a bit.)

I just got my first message from my co-workers blackberry.

The date field reads "Mon, 1 Aug 2005 10:33:34 -0400"

No extraneous time zone info.

I'm waiting for his message to my test list.  

David Phillips
Molon Labe !
35° 46' N , 78° 48'W
Lose Not A Minute!