At 10:29 9/22/2005 Thursday, elliott parker wrote:
>For those of you who own lists of sensitive subjects, how are your lists configured with respect to confidentiality? We are starting a list for a subset of the disabled population and they are concerned about privacy aspects.
>       I know the obvious: make it confidential, disable review, subscription by owner; but, is there something else I should be aware of? Can/should the archives be disabled?
>       Yes, I will explain that when something leaves your computer, nothing is guaranteed--I'm just concerned about the list.

Personal archives will also exist on countless recipient workstations. From time to time, do a GOOGLE (or perhaps a meta-search engine) for your listname, and resolve any "issues."

One parm that you might consider (depending upon how "chatty" you want the list):


Accidental personal replies to the list are "discouraged" by the above.

How are people to subscribe?  Authorized by owner or simply self-subscribe?  If the latter, list archives [if they exist] will be open to anyone who does subscribe.

A parm that it has been effective in cutting down random subscribe, spam, and unsubscribe is


Later, individual subscribers are given full posting privs w/o delay (NOREVIEW).  Takes a bit more list-owner intervention, but improves the quality.

I am pesonally fond of


to cut down on uneditted replies, or accidental sending of long files.  

co-owner CARR-L SPAM-L, et -L