On 16 Sep 2005 at 16:53, Paul Russell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Ideally, we should
> be able to dynamically identify owners, editors, and subscribers using simple
> SQL queries against existing tables. 

Are these discussion lists or one-way lists with limited numbers of 
senders? Because if they are one-way lists, then that is exactly what 
LISTSERV Maestro was made to do (for email recipients). 

In LISTSERV Maestro, you can define a "target group" as an SQL query 
into an external database, and you can even have parameterized 
queries so that the exact query can be specified at the time of each 
mailing, if desired. 

What is not yet possible in either LISTSERV product is to do this 
type of thing for a discussion list.

Francoise Becker <[log in to unmask]>

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