I work for a county school board and we run "Listserv Lite 1.8e" for our schools to use for one-way mailing lists to parents .... we currently have about 40 lists and over 10,000 subscribers ....
Some questions and concerns that have been brought up, that I do not know the answers to, are below ...
Any input is appreciated on any or all of these ...
Is there a way to force the Listserv to require the user put their name when subscribing?
Is there a way to add a field so the person can put their child's name in the list serve?
Is there a listserv product out there that does these functions? Is it worth purchasing? 
We're having the issue of not knowing who is actually active on the listserv (old parent who's email address is either non-functional, or they simply delete all the emails, or whatever) and which emails are for new parents. Also are any of the emails students, alumni, or are they all parents?