On 20 Dec 2005, at 10:28, Patrick von der Hagen wrote:

>this year I've been blacklisted several times by spamcop due to
>listserv-autoreplys and I have to admit: spamcop is right, since
>listserv is very noisy.

How so?  Virus forges itself as being from SpamCop's burnt-paper-
in-the-palm-secret spamtrap, which can't be too secret or it wouldn't
work at all, then sends a copy of itself to "somelist", so the Listserv
kicks back a "you aren't a subscriber" message to SpamCop which then
blacklists your entire system for "backscatter" and your entire
community gets reamed by this Bozo outfit without there actually being
any real spam anywhere in the cycle.  

You can not have reliable mail and SpamCop.

(1) Usual aside: SpamCop is polite and well intentioned, jadda jadda,
...so was Typhoid Mary.