At 05:52 12/20/2005 Tuesday, Russell Johannesson wrote:
>Most of our subscribers are barely literate. If we send them anything
>more complicated than a single link that takes care of everything, we
>will lose many if not most of them.

I've found that one does need to be at least literate in order to effectively interact with LISTSERV and list distributions.  Even more so for running a list. Over the decade, I have found that that literacy has increased, due in no small part to the increase of use of the general Internet / email comfort level of customers, well-written instructions, use of scripts, and list-owner initiated education of those that appear to need assistance, etc.

If the list is "too simple" e.g., subscription= open (and no other restrictions), I would bet that the list will self-destruct.

I prefer to have the (list) education done "up front" instead of the back-end. 

When you SUBSCRIBE (not ADD) a user from the customer list interface (no login), I believe that that generates a confirmation.
