On Sat, 4 Feb 2006 11:48:02 +0000, Roger Burns <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I believe she was not
>referring to trumping behavior when subscribing but rather when

Yes, that's what I thought too.

>We know that in 14.4 if an Editor is set to REVIEW, the REVIEW status
>won't control the Editor's postings, their messages will go right 
>through to the list.  Editor trumps Review.

Correct.  (both what the docs say and confirmed by testing)

>Apart from that, if Send= Private and no Editor= nor Moderator= are 
>set, and a listowner is set to REVIEW, will that owner's postings go
>directly to the list bypassing REVIEW, just as though they were an

(this is what ICORSTEST should be used for, i.e. testing such things)

There are several scenarios.  Note that in all cases for the Owner= to be
SET to REVIEW, they must also be subscribed to the list.  Testing of the
situations where the Owner= is not subscribed (and you must rely on the
Default-Options= settings) is left as an exercise for others.

1. Send= Private
   Owner= [log in to unmask]    (set to review)
   no Editor= defined
   post will go straight through w/o review.

2. Send= Private
   Owner= [log in to unmask]    (set to review)
   Editor= [log in to unmask]  (a different address)
   post will go to Editor for review.
3. Send= Private
   Owner= [log in to unmask]    (set to review)
   Editor= [log in to unmask]   (same address as Owner=)
   post will go straight through w/o review.

>And apart from listowners, more generally, if you have Send= Private
>but you wish for Editors -- and Editors only -- to be on REVIEW for
>safety reasons, 

I'm just curious what these "safety reasons" might be.  If you are worried
about accidently sending commands to your list, rather than to LISTSERV@...
then commands issued via the WWW interface are unlikely to go astray in the
same way as email commands.  And what might be the harm in that, besides
embarassment of the Owner=?  

>how can that be configured without interfering with
>the average subscriber's ability to post directly without REVIEW?

(this is what ICORSTEST should be used for, i.e. testing such things)

Send= Private
Send= [log in to unmask], Confirm
Send= [log in to unmask], Confirm
Editor= [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]

This will require self-confirmation of any postings by the Editor.
If you want Editor postings approved by someone else, you can't do that with
Send= Private.  You need one of the variants of Send= Editor,...  Testing of
these situations is left as an exercise for others.