Funny you should ask. I wrote the LISTSERV Maestro tech tip for the 
next "LISTSERV at Work" newsletter on exactly that subject. 

Do you have LISTSERV Maestro, or just LISTSERV? If you want, I can 
send you a copy of my tech tip. Even if you only have LISTSERV the 
tech tip may give you some ideas on how to implement it yourself, 
although it's A LOT easier with Maestro.

(The rest of you will have to wait for the newsletter to come out -- 
if you're not subscribed, see ) 


On 2 Mar 2006 at 23:11, Bruno Robichaud wrote:

> Hi, I'm managing the list of people manually with a db, I'm only using
> liustserv by sending him the template of the email and let him sent it to
> all my people, the question I have is there a way to control the number of
> email sent per day,per hour ect..? Thx

Francoise Becker <[log in to unmask]>

Knowledge is just a click away: