--On March 20, 2006 3:15:32 PM -0500 Nathan Brindle <[log in to unmask]> 

> At 12:54 PM 3/20/2006 -0700, Michael Loftis wrote:
>>> ERRORS-TO= rfc822_addresses
>>> (...)
>> No this just updates the non-standard Errors-To: header which
>> *NOONE* should be using but some incompetent programmers have made
>> their software to use or prefer.
> Sorry, that's not correct.  Errors-To= in a list header simply tells
> LISTSERV where to send the bounces that come back to the owner-listname
> pseudo-mailbox for that particular list.  It does not tell LISTSERV to
> insert an explicit RFC822 Errors-To: header in the mail.

Oh?  I'm misspoken there then and stand corrected.  I was always under the 
impression this just modified errors-to....especially since I've been told 
before (and it's occurred in this thread too) there's no way to modify the 
return address that ListServ uses.

This whoel thing does bring up an interesting bit though, the original user 
is using DBMS, is there a way to get ListServ to deal with teh bounces in a 
DBMS mail-merge scenario?  Or is that the one-shot-list hack (create a list 
for the mailing in order to collect bounces?) I've seen somewhere (google 