On Mar 20, 2006, at 8:48 AM — 3/20/06, Bruno Robichaud wrote:

> Hi, I'm looking for information for turning listserv, to make it more
> performance because we going to send large scale of email per day  
> and I want
> to make sure that listserv can handle and do the job right , any  
> one have
> tips on that subject?

It would help to know your full configuration (server hardware,  
network access, and MTA), and what your definition of "large scale"  
is. First try reading the LISTSERV site manager's documentation and  
review the information concerning the FIOC_TRIM and FIOC_TARGET  
configuration parameters. Depending on how "large scale" you have in  
mind, your site may also benefit from enrolling in the HPO option,  
which is an extra cost option that your L-SOFT sales representative  
can tell you about.