On Apr 25, 2006, at 3:31 PM — 4/25/06, Bruno Robichaud wrote:

> Hi, is there a setting for listserv that would alert me by email or
> something else when there are issues that prevent the sending email  
> process?
> From listserv and IIS SMTP SERVER?

How would you like to be alerted? There are a number of solutions  
that can be used to monitor processes and resource utilization on  
Windows systems (or other OS platforms) to send pages, but those all  
require some effort to install and configure.

For example, on my Listserv, if the lsv process fails to start or  
crashes, at least six people receive pages and emails (from another  
non-Listserv system) about it. If the queue gets too large, we also  
get alerted, but its been ages since the last time that happened. If  
any of the disks becomes too full, we also get an alert. If port 25  
is not available, or our backup software stops, another alert is sent.

We use a product called Big Brother to monitor all our production  
servers. We are in the early process of migrating to a competing  
product called Big Sister. Yes, I am serious about the names of those  