On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Stan Horwitz wrote:
> Just after I responded to the original message appeared where this
> question was posed today, a colleague rushed into my office with a
> look of dread on his face. His face was red as a fire engine! He
> asked me if I could stop our LISTSERV from sending a message he sent
> to a list. I told him that the message in question would have already
> been distributed.  ...

One time, oh, about ten years ago or so, I approved an item for a list
which I shouldn't have.  I immediately knew what I had done and sent in
a HOLD.  One chance in a million, or more, the HOLD was received/processed
before the approval.  Managed to keep that item from being distributed,
but it was a lot of work, and 99.999 times out of a hundred it won't work.

Distributed to the list is distributed to the list, but one still might
delete the text of the item, which has nothing to do with list business,
from the list archives without violating a "no touch" archive policy.
At least, I think so.

As always, the best solution is not to allow it to be disributed in the
first place.

Douglas Winship  [log in to unmask]