On 6 Sep 2006 at 15:19, Geoff Tabbron wrote:
> - do topics have any affect on the way message subjects are listed in
>   the header of a digest, e.g. are messages with the same topic grouped
>   together?

Depends on how you define the topics. The subjects will be ordered 
alphabetically, so if the topics are visible on the Subject line, 
then they will be grouped because of that. There are ways to make the 
topics hidden from the subject line, and in that case, they will not 
be grouped by topic.
> - if posting via the web interface of a list with topics enabled, does
>   the 'compose message' page provide a list of topics to choose from
>   (e.g. via checkboxes), or is this something a user has to add
>   manually in the subject field.

Using the LISTSERV Web interface, you have to enter the topics 
manually. If you are using Maestro to post (IIRC, you were one of the 
free Maestro recipients), then Maestro will give you checkboxes for 
topics and the option to hide or show the topics on the subject line.

Francoise Becker

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