> Thanks very much to everyone who took the time to respond! And I learned
> something, too -- we do not have the REVIEW command set to owner only.
> Several of you made a good point about doing this to make sure spammers
> can't harvest the list, so we will be changing that pronto on all our

On an existing list, I agree it would be best to change that.

There IS another course available, hower, at least when creating a new list.
I set
   Review= Private
   Default-Options= conceal
so that any of my subscribers who want to share their addresses can do so.

After nearly two and a half years since switching to LISTSERV, the current
score is seven subscriptions switched to NOCONCEAL, one being my "throwaway"
address (one I publish for the convenience of subscribers, but can change on
short notice) and two being alternates for a single participant.

Although I have Web pages detailing how to reveal one's address, 949 remain
concealed: a clear vote for privacy.

Hal Keen