At 03:05 AM 11/30/2006, L-Soft Support / Michael Shannon wrote:

>I see that Eric replied to you on LSTSRV-L.  Have you had a chance to try a
>new kit yet?

Yes... there was still one problem until I caught the change in the 
wa executable. Now it looks like it is working fine. I can even edit 
the templates now. :-)

>Also, have a look at Ben Parker's post to LSTSRV-L about the use of 'tail'.
>Please let us know how you go.

cat Sol*bin | perl -ne 'if (/^tail/) { print "tail +1137 s.bin | tar 
xf -\n"; }
     else { print "$_"; }' > s.bin && mv s.bin Solaris.bin

That did it.

BTW -- why compress something when it just makes it larger? The 
Solaris.bin file is increased in size by about 16% when "compressed." 
Not a big deal, but I was stuck wondering if there was an issue with 
the download when the script started failing.

-- DCP