Since there was a recent question about Novell GW on this list, and it
seems there are some on the list who use it, I've a question.

How does one set one's personal GW account to avoid the "unused" error

These error messages are common for my lists, and the autodelete does
not handle them.  Some GW subscriber accounts reject one or two items
per day, because the userid is "unused", and some reject half, or more.

A subscriber who was having fits with this told me she had discovered that
there was some setting she found to get rid of the "unused" errors
(preumably, making all list posting deliverable).  Well, darn if I haven't
lost that item, can't find it anywhere.

So, what is it that Novell GW subscribers need to do to get rid of the
dreaded "unused"s?

Douglas Winship   [log in to unmask]