My University uses Mailman for email discussion lists - primarily 
because it is free. I have been using Listserv in my Division since 
1996, long before the University started offering discussion lists. 
They are after me to move from my Windows server to their Sun server. 
Upgrading Listserv to run on Sun is too expensive for our division so 
they are pushing me to use Mailman instead. My preference is to stay 
with Listserv but I have no administrative experience with Mailman so 
it is difficult for me to evaluate the differences.

Many of my subscribers and list owners are deaf-blind. They are 
familiar with Listserv and it plays well with the different types of 
adaptive equipment they use to manage their lists. I've invested alot 
of time training subscribers and owners on how to manage their lists 
and subscriptions.

What are the significant advantages of Listerv vs Mailman from both an 
administrative and user level?

Randy Klumph
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The National Consortium on Deaf-Blindness
The Teaching Research Institute
345 N Monmouth Ave
Monmouth, OR 97361