At 10:29 AM 1/29/2007 -0500, Kevin Parris wrote:
>There is a tiny bit of confusion in the context of typical usage, with
>your choice of terminology.  The word "maintainer" generally is used
>only for reference to the site administrator, not in reference to a list
>owner.  When you write 'list maintainer' we can't always determine which
>role you mean - sites are maintained, lists are owned.


>When the user is dealing with password issues on their own, the DEL
>function rarely comes into play.  If one cannot remember the password,
>an ADD command is issued - which ignores any existing password and, upon
>confirmation, implements the new one.

Not quite.  First of all, let me make sure we're on the same page:  A user dealing with password issues on his own should not be using PWC (he won't have sufficient permission to do so anyway, that's a postmaster command), but rather, he should be using PW.  I'm assuming that in the paragraph above, you're talking about PW and not PWC.

So let's say the user sends a PW ADD command.  But in that case, if a password already exists, he is told that he already has a password, and no change is made.  So if what you are looking for is a one-command password add/change solution for general users (subscribers), the command your script should use is

PW REP newpassword

In that case, 
- if a password already exists, it is changed (replaced)
- if a password does not exist, it is added.

(an OK confirmation is required of course before the change or add is actually executed.)

And again, just to make sure we're on the same page, there is no corresponding sub-command "REP" for PWC.
