Unfortunately our lists are opened to the public, meaning most if not all
the subscribers are not on my mail system and in which I have no control
over their mail client.

Thanks to everyone for their input and help on this, I really do appreciate
it. I think for the time being I will configure the list with Francoise's
suggesting of SET listname IETFHDR for [log in to unmask] As well as Kevin's
advice to configure the content_filter template for the list to handle Out
of Office replys.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rich Greenberg" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: POST parameters

> } >>> [log in to unmask] 1/5/2007 9:22:15 AM >>>
> } discussions with LSOFT). These probes were the reason subscribers were
> } getting auto-deleted due to their vacation messages. The probe would
> } keep getting sent out everyday and the vacation message was sending a
> } bounce back and ultimately auto-deleting the subscriber.
> Your users have a broken, or perhaps just very poorly designed vacation
> program.  The better ones will:
> * Keep track of who they have replied to and wait a user specified
>   number of days before answering that originator again.
> * Maintain a list of addresses not to be responded to.
> * Detect that an incoming mail is from a list and not respond.
> * etc etc
> Can you look into getting a better one?