On Tue, Jul 03, 2007 at 01:30:31PM -0400, Pete Weiss wrote:
> To reduce the problem with missing internal headers, would switching
> to NOMIME DIGEST help?
> BTW, are the Gmailers set to HTML too?  Maybe SET to NOHTML might
> help?
> Finally, in the interim, maybe a daily search (via a bookmark to the
> web interface)
> would provide much of the same functionality for those Gmailers?

In the shor-term, yes, I am recommending that they switch to a
different type of digest... and thanks for your final suggestion, I
will consider that as well.

Just was curious mostly to see if other ListServ admins had noticed
this behavior from Gmail/Yahoo, etc so I have a little bit of ammo if I
try to convince them to add better support for digest/multipart
messages in the future.

Interesting side note: Yahoo Mail Classic displays the MIME digests
just fine, while Yahoo Mail Beta does not.
