I can't duplicate this myself (at least not on Windows, which is all I've had a chance to try so far).  Are you sure that the latest WA got copied into your cgi-bin or scripts directory?  WA version should be 2.4.1 R2768 for the release.


At 04:35 PM 11/28/2007 -0800, Randy Klumph wrote:
>I upgraded to 15.5 today and notice that the table of contents and subject listing in the archives is a mess (for messages posted since the upgrade).
>Archive listing should be
>Dec 2007 issue
>This is what is displayed.
>14_Dec 2007 issue12_Randy [log in to unmask], 28 Nov 2007 16:14:39 -0800
>The archived message content is ok and is delivered ok , but the archives are fast becoming unusable with my more active lists.
>It appears to be including several lines of the message content in the archives subject and TOC.
>Randy Klumph
>[log in to unmask]
>The National Consortium on Deaf-Blindness
>The Teaching Research Institute
>345 N Monmouth Ave
>Monmouth, OR 97361