Dear all,

We have the following scenario:
Our listserv-server is behind the global MTA and spam filter of our organization. 
This will be soon Exim and Spam Assassin.
Spam-Assassin will flag the emails and write the score into the header.
Now we plan to filter the emails by means of the Listserv Content Filter template.
As it is not allowed for us by policy to discard emails flagged as spam we have to moderate these emails.
Now the idea is to use the List Moderation Interface as a kind of quarantine directory:
The list-editor can look regularly to the list moderation web-site (if he wants to) and confirm false-positives if there are any.

To that, I have the following question:
1. Is it possible to forward the spam scored emails silently to moderation (without sending a mail to the editor)? I do not want to ".QQ" the MSG_POSTING_CONFIRM_EDITOR template generally because for mails which are not flagged as spams the information mail for the editor should be send (if the configuration is send=editor,hold).

2. Is it possible to suppress the MSG_POSTING_CONFIRM_EDITOR template (posting is forwarded to editor) in case the email is flagged as spam? Here I also do not want to ".QQ" the template generally but only for this case.

3. How can I filter the emails sent to list-request-addresses and other service-addresses?
If I do not filter out the spam-flagged mails to list-request-addresses I run the risk of being blacklisted by spam-cop because of the sent back confirmation-emails.
Or is it possible to suppress the confirmation emails for list-request addresses?

Does anybody have a similar procedure for spam-defence and have some tips for us.

Thank you very much for your help.
Sabine Lorenz

Sabine Lorenz
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Tel: 07247-82-8633
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