First - swallow that coffee before reading on so you won't spew it all over your keyboard.

We have received complaints about the "You have been automatically removed" message 
folks get when they have been auto-deleted.  Here is a sample complaint:

"I find it somewhat annoying for four reasons:

* It says my email address was kicked off the <listname>
listserve because of two failed delivery attempts. This is a big world
and lots of events can disrupt the Internet. Two email failures just may
be minor glitches.
* It assumes that the error is on my end. I don't know that. You
don't know that. For the robot to decide that is annoying.
* It shouts at me that I probably have lost other email. See the
two previous points. And don't shout.
* It tells me not to listen to "technical people." I should listen
to an automated listserve robot instead?

Why don't you get a more patient and polite robot?"

This particular customer was served off due to repeated 554's - so point 2 is moot.  That 
being said - I can't seem to locate the appropriate template for this message so I can 
instruct it stop shouting.  

I'd appreciate any pointers.