David Young wrote on 12/09/2008 08:50:29 AM:

> Hello,
>    We are in the process of changing where student mailboxes are
> hosted and, as part of the process, I need to change all of their
> subscriptions to the new addresses.  Currently, e-mail is being
> automatically forwarded to their new addresses but that will stop as
> of the end of the year.  For those lists that are rebuilt weekly
> based on our accounts management system, this is no problem, but
> there are about 10,000+ subscriptions that need to be changed for
> the students where they have subscribed manually.  Since Listserv
> can do adds and deletes in bulk operations, is it possible to do
> changes using the same method?  I've written a script that will send
> batches of CHANGE commands in groups of 100 so that my Listserv
> isn't completely monopolized for hours on end, but if there's a
> better method, I'm all for it.  Thanks in advance.

Can you use a wild card expression to describe the change?

From the site manager's manual (
http://www.lsoft.com/manuals/15.5/html%20help/Site%20Managers/LSCommands.8.1.html )

CHANGE(*) listname|* newaddr
CHANGE(*) listname|* oldaddr|pattern newaddr|*@newhost

The first form can be used by any subscriber and results in a cookie being
sent to the new address. This cookie MUST be confirmed by the new address,
exactly as it was entered, or the command will fail. This is the only case
where a LISTSERV cookie must be confirmed by a specific address.
The list owner form does not use cookies but simply applies the standard
"Validate=" rules (as for a DELETE command). You can specify a wildcard
pattern for the old address and *@newhost for the new address to rename
certain addresses to a new hostname. The CHANGE1 template is sent unless
you specify QUIET.

I used such a command (with QUIET option) when we changed addresses here.
The only caveat is that the left hand side of the address must remain the