On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 16:36:18 -0500, "Demeny, Dave"
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>We are about to upgrade our Listserv server from Windows 2000 to 2003
>and the version of Listserv from 1.8d to 15.6 and we would like to get
>some details on how best to go about this upgrade.  Would it be best to
>first build a new server with Windows 2003 and then install the version
>15.6 of Listserv on that server?  When we do this will we be able to
>import the list from our current Listserv to the new server or do we
>need to build our new server with the Listserv software version 1.8d and
>then upgrade the Listserv software as a second phase?

It has been a while.  As I recall, I don't think you can upgrade a server OS
directly from Win2000 to Windows2003.  Usually you need to build a new server,
install Win2003, and then migrate your applications, which is admittedly a
pain.  But I could be wrong.  In any event, upgrading the OS should be treated
separately from upgrading LISTSERV, since many other things will be affected by
the OS upgrade.  

Once you have all those matters settled you can then concentrate on
upgrading/migrating LISTSERV.  If you do have the 2-machine scenario this is
actually pretty easy.  The available White Paper on migration/upgrade (see
http://www.lsoft.com/resources/wp-movinglistserv.pdf)  recommends upgrading the
installation on the old machine to the new version, performing a minimum
installation of the new version on the new machine (to make Registry entries,
etc.), then simply copying all files from the old machine to the new machine.  

The only files you must not copy are listname.DB* index files in the
~\lists\listname directory along with the listname.LOGyymmx
list-message-archive files, and the WWW index files in the
~wwwroot\archives\listname directory (listname.INDyymmx) and also
listname.private, if applicable.  These index file will be recreated on the new
server when LISTSERV starts up there.  Technically, the listname.INDyymmx files
are created immediately on startup, if the ~wwwroot\archives\listname directory
for each list on the new server is completely empty.  The listname.DB* index
files will not be created until a search of the list message archives is