On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 11:20:59AM -0800, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
> ListServ 14.5 (yeah, stuck in the past I know. :)
> I'm wanting to add a lot of users to a subscriber list.  This seems to
> detail how:
>   http://www.lsoft.com/manuals/1.8e/owner/owner.html#_Toc128537006
> However, I have a question about the DD= parameter -- what exactly is
> this and what do I need to set it to?  Searching through the rest of
> the docs this seems to be some sort of database, but I can't find any
> reference to it in the config files.
> Is MYDD a sane default?  Probably not... how do I determine what I
> should be using here?
> Thanks much!
> Ray

Thanks all for your replies.  The DD parameter now makes more sense to
me.  And as someone else pointed out I can also do this just as easily
from the web interface.
