At 16:09 9/25/2009 Friday, Danny Morris wrote:
>Right now we use a group email system that works about 75% of the time.
>When that fails we compile all the names and send that. The downside of
>that is when doing dispatch from the side of the road at 0430 and you are
>rushed, sending to one address to distribute out works much better. As for
>why it fails, I have no idea. We send out a message, sometimes they all go
>thru, then they just stop, no bounce message, no warnings, just no
>message. So we change systems. A day later we send out a test and they
>magically work again. Once again, I am no expert on the inner workings of
>email and SMS, I can fight my way thru but that is it.

Mail that does not work in the middle of the night (but OK during the day) often is b/c of multiple mail "MX" servers for a host and the secondary mail server is being used.   Unfortunately it probably is misconfigured.  I have seen this many times in my career, but fortunately not as frequently as of late.