LISTSERV Choice Awards

An L-Soft jury has named the Research Administration Discussion List (RESADM-L) the Grand Prize winner in the 2009-10 competition, known as The Mailys. Upon learning of RESADM-L's award, Administrator Mike Varney of HRI remarks:

"On behalf of Health Research, Inc. and the RESADM-L community, I'd like to express our excitement for receiving this award for 2009-10. HRI and the research administration community as a whole are all greatly benefited by being able to use a resource such as the RESADM-L list to discuss topics such as funding/application rules, technology woes, job opportunities, and yes, even pass along a little humor from time to time. We are all proud to be held up as a model example of how this technology can be used to enhance communication with our peers in the industry."