Resending – hopefully the HTML won’t be filtered this time… /Eric


As announced in the L-Soft newsletter, we have just released part 1 of a techno-romantic musical about e-mail and the Internet. The hero, Permission Man, sets out to war, firmly intent on burning all spam on a “pyre of joy” and returning his beloved’s inbox to the “purest sweetness” of a spam-free world. Caught between his longings for love and battle, the tormented hero cries out his soul to the tune of Celeste Aida.


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Permission Man

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The Pyre of Spam - Aida meets the 21st century

(click to watch video on Youtube)


If you enjoyed the video, please ‘like’ it and leave us a comment in Youtube to help our search rankings J And feel free to share at will by any and all means! J


When I agreed to perform one of opera’s most difficult arias and allow myself to be recorded, I had no idea how much more difficult it would be in English! Although I could adjust the new lyrics, challenging words like ‘subscriber’ or ‘double opt-in’ had to be in the text whether I could sing them or not. As a compromise, I was allowed to sing the very difficult finale in the original language (with subtitles and translation), and it felt like a walk in the park in comparison J I have uploaded another video (also with subtitles and translation) where I sing the famous drinking song and dance from La Traviata so that you can hear my voice in a language I am more comfortable with.


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Two computer nerds sing Brindisi (La Traviata)


Remember to like and comment in Youtube if you enjoyed the videos J Let’s get that ranking up the charts! J

