On Fri, 22 Jun 2018 02:10:52 +0000, Eric Thomas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>MYTH #4: There is no way to disable overflow words.
>When we introduced overflow words and DBRINDEX files in 1996, we did not anticipate in our wildest dreams that any customers would be displeased but, as with any major new chunk of code, we were concerned that it might not work correctly as released, so we provided this option to disable it:
>I don't remember if you have to reindex or not. I can't recall this setting having been used after 1997-1998, but LISTSERV Lite has this hardcoded so it is still supported. If you can afford the I/O and wait times, it can be a way to bypass the 2013-11-18 bug without requiring installation of a patch and change management paperwork.

This started affecting us on version 17.0 (HPO). Before 17.0 (16.5 and earlier), searches were lighting fast and working very well. With 17.0, almost every query returned 'Your search contains only "overflow words."'.  Setting this variable to "0" made search work, but only 100 occurrences for any search (which its usually enough anyway).  There was no need to reindex.

-- DCP


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