I think it’s the other way around, when a site has dmarc with p=reject listserv does the rewrite (listserv knows this via dns lookup) and if you reply to that address then listserv is supposed to forward the reply to the correct sender.   

> On Jan 17, 2022, at 2:27 PM, Peter M. Weiss <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>  When LISTSERV distributes an email from a user who's site doesn't support DMARC, it rewrites that address e.g.,
> <[log in to unmask]>
> Here at PSU, that bounces.
> How does LISTSERV "know" to generate that kind of address: a realtime lookup of the sender's address or does it maintain a static list of such domains?
> -- 
> Pete 
> Sr. Systems Configurator, emeritus
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