In-Reply-To:  Your message of Fri, 25 Jul 1986 13:08 SET
Gee, this sounds like RELAY... how about a Mailing-list-chat-server with
file handling and link monitoring?
Q:  How many valley girls does it take to change a light bulb?
A:  Oooh, like, manual labor?  Gag me with a spoon!  For sure.
            Alan Clegg            USMail: 2801-23 Brigadoon Drive
         "I am NOT a crook"               Raleigh, NC  27606
                                  Bitnet: ALAN@NCSUVM
      Home Bell: (919) 851-3246   ARPA:   ALAN%NCSUVM.BITNET@wiscvm
      Work Bell: (919) 737-3035   UUCP:   ..!mcnc!ncsu!ncsuvx!abc
      Play Bell: (919) 831-9169           ..!mcnc!ncsu!ncsuvx!ncsu3b!abc