The default for MAIL is just the message from the remote mailer giving
you the "Mail sent to Toto <WIZARD@OZ>" information; you can't turn this
off, so if the default for LISTSERV is NOACK (with one line message)
this offers the same level of service as normal mail.
If the default for LISTSERV is set to the current NOACK, this also makes
the default for less network loading.  In other words, why have people
load the network with ACK's because they didn't read the refcard?
SUBSCRIBE is already an exception to the Valdidate=All rule; I've sent the
past week stamping out ACK's from this list, so I would of sort prefer if
the NEXT time I issued a SET command it did it THEN.  Don't send mail to
command issuer in response, just to the list owner.
p.s. As for review.... if they don't want people to get the header make
     it confidental (spelling)?  A short list name with no description
     will make people signon just to find out what the LIST is about.