After reading all the argumentation that has been going on in the last few mess
ges, I mm inclined to agree with Eric. We are an almost dead-end node, but we r
un one of the few LISTSERV's out here in the outer darkness -- I'd rather use D
ISTRIBUTE because our disk/spool space is severly limited, as well as our admin
s willingness to create seperate list-id's. DISTRIBUTE is efficient and fast, e
ven on this poor overworked 4341-1.
Like Eric said, it's like RSCS. You share a little CPU with the net in return f
or the CPU they share with you. Sounds fair enough to me.
Valdis has a valid point on messing with the WISCVM gateway stuff -- that stuff
 is ugly, and it doesn't need to get any worse. Perhaps a local command for the
 closest LISTSERV site could handle processing the ARPA digest stuff into a DIS
T job and then the LISTSERV net could take it from there. That would involve th
e least amount of screwing around on the gateways' part and make things fairly
simple on our side too. Any takers?
David Boyes
University of Oregon Computing Center