> ps. a note on the sender: from: etc argument. BITNET/Netnorth/earn is based on
> the VM RSCS format and (non)standards. Everyone on bitnet has to pretend that
> they are an RSCS site so I dont see any reason what is wrong with basing our
> mail on what will be nice for VM sites... (of course im biased being on VM but
> I must admit that i like seeing LSTSRV-L MAIL instead of LISTSERV MAIL the
> being normally something for the bitbucket anyway)
Wrong: There are two formats: RSCS and NJE. JES2/JES3 systems
do not talk RSCS. RSCS-V2 does not talk RSCS.
I cannot speak for BITNET. EARN is *NOT* a VM-RSCS-NETWORK (although
many people say that.)