Well, 1.5c  is now  nearly ready. I  have completed most  of the  file server
stuff I intended to implement, including AFD/FUI, as well as the improvement of
the "Sender=" and  "Owner=" access control codes and the  major revision of the
reader-file processing code  (the "//" crap is no longer  mandatory to identify
jobs, messages like "Your mail has been assumed to be a command jobfile" are no
longer issued, etc). I  remember I had something else very  important to add in
this release but I don't remember what  :-), so I'll wait until tomorrow to see
if I remember any better.
  Since I was too tired to do  something else I prepared a draft RSCSMODS FILE-
LIST with a few  mods; there were other mods I wanted to  put in (eg the DMTAXM
addressability space saving mods) but their  origin is unclear and I don't even
remember who sent them  to me. :-) I just defined the file,  I didn't make them
available yet, I'd have to check with the various authors anyway. I temporarily
changed the GET code of RSCSMODS FILELIST  to ALL so that anybody can obtain it
-- very little RSCSMODS recipients are subscribed  to my server and the RSM get
code would reject mostly everybody :-( To think I'll have to write docs for all
of that :-(
  I've shipped the code to Harold and  Jose for beta-testing, hope it will have
reached them by tomorrow and we'll be able to test the thing. I won't stay here
much long tomorrow but if it seems to work I may decide to distribute 1.5c then
-- otherwise it would be on friday or so.