> Well, as the 5th of the month rolls around, and tables supposedly are
> updated, we can expect people to start ordering MAILER/XMAILER/DOMAIN
> NAMES and BITEARN NODES.  Chugga, chugga, chugga go the net links.
> Now, as far as I understand it, PUT isn't working yet for file lists, but
> is there any way we can put some of those buggers on a filelist at one or
> more LISTSERV's (with AFD capability) to reduce some of this monthly file
> invasion/queue?  You can bet that this time next week there will be who-
> knows-how-many copies of XMAILER NAMES from NICSERVE waiting to cross
> who-knows-how-many links.
> /Jeff/
Better to encourage people to use the NETSERV tools.  You get
the BITEARN NODES file once.  Then you get the monthly
NODUPT file and merge it into BITEARN NODES using the UPDNODES
program.  Works fine.