I have been trying to set up some file server functions for a list on
our 1.5f LISTSERV.  Eric has been extremely busy and the INFO FILEOwner
file (LISTFOWN MEMO) is apparently not out yet.  In an attempt to pool
my ignorance this is what I think I have found...  If you don't care
about the fileserver capabilities of LISTSERV you might want to quit
reading - this will probably make even less sense to you than it does me!
   Please add to our collective knowledge by correcting me if I am
wrong.  I imagine there are easier ways to do this so I would love to
hear from you if you have been using the fileserver for other than
   The premise here is that you have a list, NAIVE-L, for which the owner
wants to store lots of files so the public can get them.  (Things like
deeds to the Brooklyn Bridge no doubt).
   1.  You get a copy of LISTSERV FILELIST from the LISTSERV 191 mdisk.
       Do this with a LINK or on LISTSERV.  (Get the REAL file).
   2.  Add the FILELIST file to control the files you will be adding.
       Eg.  You would add a line:
     /F/  NAIVE-L FILELIST  ALL OWN V    107 0 ......... .......... Files for t
he Naive.
       By the way - I haven't figured out what the /F/ does but I left it in
       since the other entries had it...   ;-(
       You might also want to clean up all the sample entries that Eric has
       in the file but which are not on your system.  The "0" in the number
       of records position above will be filled in by LISTSERV later.
   3.  Store the LISTSERV FILELIST file (I used the LSVPUT exec and PUTC
       to do this).
   4.  Now you create the NAIVE-L FILEID file and the NAIVE-L FILELIST
       files.  The FILEID file is used to control the files and allow
       for renaming.  If I want my files to go onto my "L" minidisk (where
       I have my notebooks) then I might code:  (described in Postmaster Doc)
1                                                       (note 1 on rec 1).
*DEFAULT* L1                                            (optional rec 2)
EASYAS PIE      GOT    YOU      L1                      (file records)
       Here you have set up two files already (those aren't necessary but
       you can use the FILEID file to give a pseudonym for your files.
       I know Eric discussed packages in some previous comments but I
       have not gotten that advanced.
       I used some of the other FILELIST files as models but I deleted
       the *+ lines which seem to be special definitions.  You add the files
       you know about to the FILELIST.
   5.  You use LSVPUT with the PUT option to store the FILEID and FILELIST
       files on LISTSERV.
   6.  Next you (or actually the NAIVE-L list owner probably) can use LSVPUT
       with the PUT command to store the files for the list.  Eg.
       LISTSERV seems to respond with messages and/or mail as an ack.
   7.  You can check your work with   TELL LISTSERV INDEX NAIVE-L  now.
       LISTSERV should have filled in the pertinent file info (date, time
       nrecs, etc.).
   8.  Now I get way out into left field and am pretty sure I am missing
       something.  What if you want to add another file?  I was told there
       is a way to put a 'generic' entry in the filelist but I haven't
       figured it out.  I have had to get a current copy of the FILELIST,
       edit it, and store it, before I could add a file.
       WARNING:  Whenever you "GET" a copy of a LISTSERV FILELIST file
       with the GET command, you should DELETE the "HARDFAC FILE" info
       (lines between and including the * :::::: ...  lines).  It seems
       that LISTSERV inserts this info in the file before the first
       line with column 1 blank.  If you don't delete it, you will
       get duplicates!  Of course, if you update this file right on
       LISTSERV or with it shut down and linked to its 191 then you
       won't have that problem.  But I generally never shut LISTSERV down.
       You do NOT have to update FILEID if you want LISTSERV to generate
       a "true file name" for you.  LISTSERV will automatically add the
       entry.  Eg.  If you add   FREE LUNCHES   to the NAIVE-L FILELIST,
       put the FILELIST file back, then   LSVPUT FREE LUNCHES NAIVE-L (PUT
       then LISTSERV will file it as "00000001 NAIVE-L L1"  and add an
       entry to FILEID.   Because Eric made this automatic I figure he
       may have easier ways to update NAIVE-L FILELIST too...
   If some of the rest of you have the "real scoop" on the fileserver
capabilities I would be glad to hear from you.  I have not looked
at any of the execs in detail and I'm not familiar with NETSERV's inner
workings so I may be working under a handicap.