Our  neighbour's link  is down  and I  have no  idea when  it will  come up,
probably tomorrow morning. The PEERS NAMES  file will not reach anybody before
  I would like  to globally answer a few questions  I've received from several
- I find  it perfectly normal that  there is a  delay between the day  you say
  "we're disabling DISTRIBUTE"  and the day it is actually  disabled. There is
  the same delay  between the day you say  "we enable it" and the  day all the
  servers know about yours and send  it DISTRIBUTE jobs -- the only difference
  is that you're less anxious about it in the latter case.
- When I add  a new entry in PEERS  NAMES, I ask the person  whether they want
  DISTRIBUTE enabled or not, unless the  answer is obvious (for example if the
  server has been installed  "to help reducing network load in  our area" -- I
  don't  want to  offend the  postmaster! :-)  ). Switching  from disabled  to
  enabled is  easy (a  server which  doesn't know about  you will  forward the
  files in  a less efficient way  but they'll reach their  destination), while
  the other way is much more difficult.
- Agreed, the postmaster ought to be able to use DISTRIBUTE even if his server
  has the feature  disabled. That way he can forward  'failed' DISTRIBUTE jobs
  to his server  until all the servers  know they should no  longer send those
  jobs. I'll update LSVDIST  and send a copy to Bill to  make his life easier.
  Thanks for the suggestion.
- I will  no longer include  a PEERS NAMES file  in the UPDATE  shipments, but
  there is  unfortunately one  in the  1.5h shipment.  Please be  careful when
  installing 1.5h  as it will  override your current  PEERS NAMES with  an old
  version. Sorry for the trouble. Note that new servers are of course bound to
  have an old version of the PEERS NAMES file (from the VERSION shipment), but
  I always  send a  PUT command  to new  servers before  adding them  to PEERS