>What do you expect from a software called "Wollongong WIN/VX" ? For me
>it sounds Australian - and another Australian thing are boomerangs. I
>would say if it doesn't work as desinged it "works as named". :-)
>P.S.: I am interested how their machine is called ? maybe Whissendine
>Whargler Mark XI ?
Wollongong runs (if you can call it running) on under VMS and UNIX;
the machine could be a nice normal Vax.
The message is funny, but alas, Optimis-Pent.Arpa (where an account
named Derby lives) also runs that (*&*@^%# TCP/IP software, and it would
be nice to be able to send mail to Derby (my father) without resorting
to carrier pigeons or, worse yet, Snail Mail.
Clarkson University has a number of aliases for the software, none of
which are nice and most of which are certainly not for a professional
forum as this.  ;-)
p.s.  The WISCVM gate now knows about Bitnet--> Arpa mailers and
actually reports it sent mail back to the originating user.  Hooray!
Now if they teach it about mailers in the ARPA --> BitNut direction....