Hi all. I'm passing on requests from two different people to form lists on
LISTSERV machines somewhere. I am looking for anyone who will volunteer to
either or both of these lists.
The first is from Tom Benson (T3B at PSUVM) who is currently moderating a
mailing list known as CRTNET (Communications Research and Theory NETwork).
It is basically a discussion of new developments in Communications research
and basically accepts submissions from anyone who wishes to submit something.
It is also a forum to announce conferences and such. I can send you the latest
copy (I have it on disk) or you can request back issues from the server machine
LFCNET at ICNUCEVM. I do not know whether Tom would convert this to unmoderated
form or not once he has a list (I would suspect not).
The second request is for a list that does not exist yet but is on a subject
that has created much discussion on the unix networks. It is for a mailing list
to discuss MINIX (A version 7 unix clone for the ibm/pc written by Andy
Tanenbaum ([log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask])). Currently there is a great deal
of discussion on the USENET newsgroup comp.os.minix - however most bitnet sites
do not receive this newsgroup and therefore are deprived of the information
in it. Therefore, he wants to create a list for bitnet people to discuss the
minix system (is there anyway to gate unix groups to listserv lists?)
Therefore I am requesting the creation of two new lists (CRTNET-L and MINIX-L
would be good names...) If you wish you could make me the owner for now and
I could help them set up the lists...
             thanx a lot
Scott Campbell
    (maintainer of ADVISE-L)