Nick: I  think the  "Subject:" field  is accepted on  IBM notes  provided it
appears AFTER all the mandatory tags. You can also use "Subj:".
  Jeff: you're  right, but this implies  an additional call to  LSVKEYWD and 5
more lines of code whenever I need to look at the Notebook tag, which is why I
used a hardcoded default from the beginning. I'm not too keen on changing this
one  -- just  make  the notebook  public  in the  mail header.  I'd  do it  if
everybody really thinks that it's really important.
  Notebooks: well, several things are sure...
1) It is IMPOSSIBLE to  keep a list of all subscribers to a  given list. I had
   contemplated  doing  it in  the  past  to  solve  the problem  with  people
   attempting  to mail  to a  'foreign' peer  when theirs  was down  and Send=
   Private, or people  wanting to REV (LOC  a list at some  peer where Review=
   Private, etc.  I was  completely discouraged  by the  number of  people who
   modify their  LIST files using  XEDIT from the LISTSERV  machine, thwarting
   any attempts at synchronizing the recipients lists.
2) Item (1)  implies that someone who's  registered at a server  which doesn't
   keep  notebooks will  not be  able  to get  them by  asking another  server
   directly. We're speaking of the Notebook= Yes,Private case only, of course.
3) A  server which  doesn't keep  notebook  could be  caused to  automatically
   forward  the request  to other  peers (in  much the  same way  as a  REVIEW
   command gets forwarded). This would unavoidably cause multiple notebooks to
   be sent to  the originator... unless there is a  keyword telling the server
   which peers  are presently  keeping notebooks.  The following  syntax might
     - Extend the first operand of the Notebook=  field: Yes | No | Peers. All
       the other operands still apply.
     - Add a new keyword:  Archivers= node1,node2,<user3@>node3... Same format
       as the Peers= keyword but it lists those peers who're keeping notebooks
     - Notebook= Peers,...  means that  if 'my node'  appears in  Archivers, I
       keep a notebook,  else I don't (this  allows the list header  to be the
       same for all nodes;  a variation might be Peers -->  I don't keep one).
       If I don't keep a notebook, I'll forward to the nearest (LSVBITFD-wise)
4) Problem: you need  to know the fileid  of the notebook file  you want. That
   means you  must be able  to GET  listname FILELIST. If  it's GET =  ALL, no
   problem; however, there are cases where you'd  want it to be GET = PRV, for
   example if  you have  Notebook= Yes,Private,..,Separate  and you  feel that
   some of the  Subject: tags (they appear  in the filelist in  that case) are
   confidential.  In that  case the  guy won't  be able  to get  the filelist.
   Besides, the fileid may not be the same for all the servers in case logging
   is set to Separate, and you may not know in advance which server you'll get
   your notebooks from.  So we need the same kind  of auto-forwarding facility
   on 'listname  FILELIST' (I intend  to drop  the NOTEBOOK FILELIST  soon, it
   costs too much CPU time to build  and is really too large; to com- pensate,
   LISTSERV will  automatically build  a default  'listname FILELIST'  if none
   exists on the A-disk -- GET code will be PRV).
Does that sound ok to all of you?
Two other problems:
1) Due to some  old areas of code  in LSVDIST EXEC (dating back  from the time
   that  ALL servers  were  automatically part  of  the DISTRIBUTE  backbone),
   version 1.5h  of LISTSERV crashes with  a REXX error whenever  a global PUT
   command (such as my  PUT PEERS NAMES) is distributed to  a server which has
   disabled the DISTRIBUTE  function. I'll fix that, but I  wanted to warn you
   about the problem. Affected servers are those who're next to a server which
   has disabled DISTRIBUTE.
2) Due to the limit that CMS places on the number of arguments you may pass to
   a program,  all servers  will crash with  REXX errors as  soon as  the 60th
   LISTSERV is  added to PEERS  NAMES... :-(  The various options,  eg (STACK,
   will be  moved to  the left  and programs  like LSVBITFD  will successfully
   complete with data being typed on  the terminal, not stacked. When LISTSERV
   issues a PULL command it will be in  big troubles. I'll make sure to find a
   solution BEFORE letting more than 59 servers in PEERS NAMES :-)
3) Due to  internal coding conventions,  servers with DISTRIBUTE  disabled are
   unable to process multiple-hosts PUT commands  such as PUT PEERS NAMES. The
   problem is easy to understand: DISTRIBUTE  is used to propagate the file to
   be stored  through the network.  Whenever the destination  for a file  is a
   list server, it is  a convention that what the sender  wanted the server to
   do is to process  the file as if it had been sent  directly to the server's
   reader. For obvious security validation reasons, the DISTRIBUTE job is then
   forwarded (instead of being distributed) to the target LISTSERV, ie it does
   not get  the file from  another server but a  DISTRIBUTE job with  only one
   recipient: itself. Servers with DISTRIBUTE disabled will zap the job before
   even looking into it.  This is a tough problem, but I'll try  to find a way
   out. Just don't be surprised if it happens.