The loop with RPRLSCI is a regretful bug which I thought I had fixed in 1.5h
but no,  I forgot  that a  blank line  is sent  to the  job output  file after
completion  of a  command,  even if  it  is  ignored, so  an  output file  was
generated even  though I had  flushed all the lines  that had been  printed to
it... The  problem with this kind  of things is  that it is very  difficult to
test it for real unless you accept to  run the risk of starting a REAL mailing
loop :-( Anyway  I've fixed it. I  have also added an option  to DISTRIBUTE to
allow you  to temporarily turn  it off during peak  hours, and fixed  a stupid
problem which  caused servers with release  = 1.05x to accept  DISTRIBUTE jobs
(that started when I changed the 'default' release number for unlisted servers
from from 1.3c to 1.5f to solve the problems that you know).
  Reference to a  human person: I agree with whomever  said he hates receiving
stupid inquiries from  Joe users. I had  211 pieces of mail in  my reader this
morning, 80 of which  were of this category and I DON'T  WANT any reference to
my userid in  error messages from LISTSERV. People who  REALLY need to contact
me will find out, painful weenies will let the matter drop.
  MAIL-L being linked to NODMGT-L: I really don't understand what's happening,
but it seems that every piece of mail sent to MAIL-L is forwarded to NODMGT-L,
automatically,  although the  lists are  in  no way  linked. Conclusion:  some
server (not a FRECP11-LISTSERV, I mean some other server) who's getting MAIL-L
stuff is forwarding it to NODMGT-L.