>That is a valid topic... we should perhaps set some 'standard' for ARPA
>redistributions.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but redistributions here are:
>   Language= ARPA             Reply-to= "arpa.list.address"
>   Send= Editor               Editor= myself,arpa.list.address
>   Owner= myself,arpa.list.owner
>This allows submissions 'from' the list to be redistributed without any
>question, and anything sent 'to' the list pops in my reader to validate.
>(Don't set the arpa.list.address as first owner or editor :-) ).
This works fine unless the ARPA list is one like INFO-VAX where all mail
is simply being re-directed to the list by a server machine somewhere out
there in ARPAland.  Each piece of mail comes in with a completely different
set of headers, with no way to know if it is valid or not...