I consider that any site which has agreed to be on the DISTRIBUTE backbone
has implicitly agreed to keep their software up to date enough to support
that backbone.
If they are not up 1.5i, turf them off the backbone until they get their
act together. I've seen lots of arguments why LISTSERV can't be updated
in a timely fashion. Anyone making those arguments should be allowed to limp
along with what they have. But, they shouldn't be in a position to slow down
the growth of the network.
>>>>> Changing hats <<<<<<
Growth on the network should be upward compatible. If I'm not keeping up, I
can be demoted, by being yanked off the backbone. But, my machine should never
have it's local functions interrupted because of a change out in the network.
Is it possible to remove the 1.5H sites from the backbone before adding this
flurry of new sites?