>REPLY TO 06/12/87 12:39 FROM [log in to unmask]: Re: possible solution
>for usenet-listserv peering
>>Seems to me that getting all of the other-net list mailers to implement
>>a complete solution would be difficult.
>right on!
>>Perhaps a satisfactory alternative that is implemented totally within
>>LISTSERV would be to allow lists to be declared "subserviant" in addition
>>to peered.  A subserviant list would have a "master" on another
>>network.  Mail traffic apparently from the master (identified by either
>>which network it came from, or which user from a list of possibilities,
>>or...) would be distributed as per normal.  Mail traffic not from the
>>master (probably meaning from a Bitnet host) would be forwarded to
>>the master AND NOT DISTRIBUTED.  (I assume we'll catch a copy returned
>>by the master and distribute that.)
>I love it!
Sounds a lot like the Editor= option which is already implemented in LISTSERV.